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La Costa Canyon Boys Soccer

2024-2025 TRYOUT SCHEDULE NOV 11-15

Freshman Tryouts (*all freshmen attend these tryouts)
Monday, November 11: 1:00-3:00 LCC Stadium
Tuesday, November 12-Thursday, November 14: 4:00-6:00 LCC grass fields
*Friday tryouts 4:00-6:00 grass field if needed
JV Tryouts (*all sophomores & juniors who didn’t play in a varsity game last year attend these tryouts)
Monday, November 11: 3:00-5:00 LCC Stadium
Tuesday, November 12: 4:00-6:00 LCC grass fields
Wednesday, November 13: 4:00-5:30 LCC Stadium
Thursday, November 14: *7:00-8:30 Stadium
*Friday tryouts 4:00-6:00 grass field if needed
Varsity Tryouts (*all seniors & players who played in a varsity game last year attend these tryouts)
Monday, November 11: 5:00-7:00 LCC Stadium
Tuesday, November 12: 6:15-8:00 LCC Stadium
Wednesday, November 13: 4:00-5:30 LCC Stadium
*Tryout times are subject to change based on field availability and fall CIF sports. ONLY ATTED YOUR SPECIFIED TRYOUT! Players should wear proper soccer attire, shin guards, cleats and bring water. Please do not wear your club soccer gear. Any athlete who is still participating in a fall sport (in playoffs or CIF) will try out after their fall sport has ended. Please contact us at to let us know if you cannot try out due to injury, illness or fall sport! Practices will start the following Monday, November 18. Practices will be Monday-Friday (exact times TBD).

Important Dates
2024-25 Tryout Information Meeting: Monday, October 14 during lunch in the Flex Lab (computer room adjacent to the Learning Commons).
Athletic Clearances: Due October 25
Tryout Dates: November 11-15

Athletic Clearance Information
Athletic Clearance must be completed prior to each season, including uploading a current Medical Eligibility Form, a copy of your insurance card (front and back) and a completed Private Auto Form. If you played a fall sport, you need to make sure you are cleared for soccer as well. Be sure to verify your status through the Athletic Clearance Website. Please contact the LCC Athletic Secretary, Char Grogan, with any questions:
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